Think about all the different kinds of emergencies you experience in your everyday life. It doesn't have to be life threatening to be an emergency. Anything you have to take care of now, qualifies. And where are the emergency contact numbers for all those different people, businesses, organizations and distant relatives in your life? Some may be in your address book. Some, on your contact list. Others, the ones you never anticipated having to call, could be anywhere. Most likely, on a document you need right now. A contract, maybe. Or, an insurance policy. Maybe a medical specialist you haven't seen in years. Maybe your babysitter's friend's name and number for a last minute change of plans. So, you start searching. You know you put it away carefully so you could find it when you need it. Where did you put it?
Sound familiar? It happens all the time. You go years without thinking about all the people and companies you do business with or interact with. Then, when you need to reach them, you can't find the contact information. Worse yet, someone else in your family may have filed the information and he or she isn't available right now.
Manage your home and family better with personal record keeping software. You can store and maintain the whereabouts of important documents and keep track of emergency contact numbers all in one place. When the need arises, it's just a quick trip to the computer and there it is. The information you are looking for is at your fingertips.
Well organized family contact records start with a personal profile for each family member. In an emergency you can print it and hand it to medical professionals. Otherwise, you might have to compose one from scratch or waste time searching for details to fill out forms. Software is available that combines personal profile information with other fields in family medical records and emergency contact numbers to create a wallet-size medical alert card. It includes the kind of information emergency technicians say can help save a life.
When you have to contact somebody in an emergency it isn't just a number you need. You most often have to find a document, as well. It might be a contract or account statement or policy. Wouldn't it be best if you recorded the location of important documents in the same software programs you recorded emergency contact numbers? Where are your insurance policies, service contracts, financial assets, medical records, retirement and pension documents? If they're in the home safe, what's the combination? If they are in a safe deposit box at the bank, what bank? Where's the key? You can write emergency contact information in an address book, but it's not likely to be much use in an emergency if you can't find the documents and the rest of information you need.
Record keeping software gives you an organizing framework in which to record emergency contact numbers and the locations of important documents. Your emergency contact numbers can include all the people and organizations you may have to reach one day. Attorneys, bank managers, accountants, customer service people at companies you do business with, insurance agents and companies, mechanics, roofers, plumbers, congressmen, city councilors realtors, human resources people at former employers, the list can go on. You can't keep all your emergency contact numbers on your cell phone. Nor, can you record the location of important documents on your phone. For that, you need record keeping software.
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