Thursday, July 12, 2012

Re-Thinking Retirement

Most baby boomers that I know tried to do a good job of saving money for the future. However, the last few years have been rough on a lot of well meaning older workers. The well laid plans, that many baby boomers had for retirement, seemed to stutter or fail.

What Are Some Financial Problems That Baby Boomers Have Today?

The economy bled jobs, and unemployment was particularly hard on older workers who planned to keep their current position until they retirement. This meant that many older folks had to dig into their retirement accounts to pay bills, and they certainly were not adding any more money to their accounts.

Homes lost value. Many middle class people consider their house to be their largest asset. This disrupted plans to leverage a home's value for retirement income.

Market accounts also lost value, so the value of many retirement accounts have declined. Regular savings accounts and bank CDs are not paying a lot of interest. In fact, the interest that many of these traditional savings products offer will not keep up with inflation. It is hard for many baby boomers to figure out where they should put their money.

The cost of health care kept rising. Recent studies have demonstrated that this increase is mostly due to rising prices too. Baby boomers are very concerned about securing affordable access to good health care during their retirement years.

Solutions To Today's Retirement Woes

Many clever people from the baby boomer generation have begun to sort out their problems and look for answers. Many of these people had to drop their old visions of life after full time work. Some people replaced these old, and out dated ideas, with new goals and plans for the future. It is much easier to make effective retirement plans when you start early. But a lot of boomers are finding out that it is not too late to re-think their retirement plans.

There is good news. Today's older workers can expect to live longer and more productive lives than past generations. This may give them more time to act.

Some may just count on working a few more years in order to make up the gaps. Others still plan to retire from their current job, on time, but pursue some sort of semi-retirement. In fact, a lot of older folks look forward to starting a new chapter in their lives by entering a new field or starting a business.

Other baby boomers are trying to figure out if they can change their lifestyle in order to make do with less income and savings. They are trying to cut out waste, simplify their lives, and become more frugal. Done correctly, these changes do not have to be painful. In fact, sometimes learning to be more frugal can become a game!

Frugal steps may include different types of housing. The old family home may really be too costly to keep up. Others, who want to stay in their houses, are figuring out how to use those houses to provide income!

Can You Re-think Retirement?

This news article is brought to you by DATING-FOR-BOOMERS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Preparing to Sell? De-Clutter to Make the Best Impression

Getting ready to sell your home? Before putting a 'For Sale' sign on the lawn, imagine the impression your home will make on potential buyers. They will be viewing many homes before making a decision and yours must be the one that makes the best impression.

Real Estate Agents and professional organizers will vouch for the importance of getting rid of clutter as one of the best things you can do for the appearance of your home. Clearing away clutter will maximize the space in your home and allow potential buyers to envision their furniture in each of the rooms. If it's tough to see your home objectively, ask a friend for advice on what items to remove and how to rearrange your furniture so that each room is as spacious and inviting as possible.

Start de-cluttering in the kitchen and bathroom
The best place to start de-cluttering is in the kitchen; it's also the toughest room to look at completely objectively. The items on your kitchen cabinets are the things you use daily but people viewing your home want to know that there's enough room for their things; that means neatly organizing not only countertops but drawers and shelves as well.

Preparing for your move is the perfect opportunity to downsize and get rid of items you haven't used in awhile. Start by labeling storage containers or boxes with 'sell', 'donate', and 'keep'. Next, make a list of things you'll need at your new place; the things you're keeping for the new place but don't need until after the move, can be boxed to make room in the cupboards for the things that have been cluttering the countertops. Sanitize the kitchen from top to bottom with attention to the area under the sink, making sure there are no leaks in the plumbing or water stains. Then apply a fresh coat of paint to give the kitchen a clean new look and feel.

Keep the countertops free of small appliances and clutter until the move by storing items you use daily in the space you've recently acquired as you filled the 'sell' and 'donate' boxes. This will also make the tidying-up process quick and easy when your real estate agent calls to schedule a viewing.

The bathroom is right up there with the kitchen in rooms that make a big first impression. Clean it so it shines; and like the kitchen, a fresh coat of paint will not be wasted in the bathroom. Put out a set of luxurious towels reserved for when people are viewing your home, and clear out drawers plus medicine chests as much as possible keeping personal toiletries in a shaving kit and cosmetic bag.

Relocating to a seniors' community
In deciding what you'll eventually do with your furniture, note the pieces that you'll be taking with you and the items you'll be selling or donating. If you are relocating to a seniors' community you may have met with an advisor and have an idea of the furnishings provided at your new place. Many apartments in retirement homes have room for your preferred furnishings and personal décor.

Consider renting a storage unit for large pieces of furniture; this will free up space in the home you're selling and will give you a place to store the things you'll be taking to your new home. It will also allow you to take the time you may need to decide which pieces you want to sell or donate.

Your goal is to convert a browsing customer into a buyer and the first few minutes they will spend in your home are the minutes that count the most. Making a good first impression means allowing them to visualize their family living in the home that you are selling and you'll know that your investment in energy and time to make it inviting, was well worth it when your home is sold.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Sandwich Generation: 4 Ways To Prepare Yourself Now

2011 was the year the term "sandwich generation" really hit home for the first time. It was the year I turned 51 and my son turned 5. It was the year my father-in-law entered the hospital and never came home, while my mother marked her two year anniversary as a widow. Her ex-husband (my father) would soon need round the clock nursing care.

Now more than ever, it was clear that my little boy wasn't going to be the only family member who needed me in years to come.

I was now firmly wedged between a child who would need nurturing and financial support for the next 20-odd years and a set of aging parents and in-laws requiring care and support as well; a perfect example of what defines the sandwich generation.

For anyone finding themselves in this position, or if you're pregant over 40 or considering pregnancy or adoption after age 40, here are some things you might consider in coping with your sandwich generation status:

1. You are going to need to rally support from sources other than your parents.

Even if you have parents or in-laws who are healthy and willing to help out, there's a good chance that situation could change, and sooner rather than later. So make sure you have some reliable baby sitters you can call on and look for support groups.

Ideally, find a group for older moms. But at least make connections in the community so you don't find yourself alone and at the end of your rope with no one who can lend a hand or a sympathetic ear!

2. You will need to plan your finances carefully.

There are going to be three major buckets to fill: retirement, college funding, and elder care. If you've planned well, this may not concern you. But if you aren't prepared then it's time to take stock of your financial situation.

Some compromises may be in order. Or a reality check. For me that means I'm not going to retire at 65! And my son might have to settle for a vocation or be prepared to qualify for scholarships; should we encourage him to be a star athlete or honors student? Time will tell.

3. You'll need to take care of yourself better than ever before!

When they say that having kids late in life "keeps you young", think of it the other way around. You MUST stay as young and fit as possible in order to keep up! Remember, you have lots of people counting on you. As you age, little transgressions like ignoring diet and exercise will take a much bigger toll.

For example, you might find that while younger parents stay up late after their kids go to bed, your bed time more or less matches your kid's. If that's what it takes in order to get enough rest, so be it! Be kind to your body and it will return the favor.

4. You will probably not be able to provide round-the-clock care for anyone other than your infant.

Had my son already reached college age (as would be the case for a typical 50-something parent) I would have been a lot more able to help out when my father became sick. But there was no way I could care for both my little one and my parent at the same time; and most likey neither can you.

So start thinking now about how you will handle it if one or more of your parents needs care. There are lots of options these days other than nursing homes. And if you have siblings, make sure they understand how being an older parent affects the role you'll play in the family dynamic.

My husband and I have been talking lately about finishing the attic or basement to provide additional living space should one or both of our mothers need to move in. That is, of course, if they're relatively independent. Because when the time comes, heaven help me, I'll probably be dealing with a rebellious teenager as I move into decade number six.

Such is the lot of the sandwich generation.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Niagara: Beautiful! Plus Age-Friendly

Niagara is a picturesque destination all four seasons of the year but it's particularly beautiful during the summer months when the city is literally in full bloom. If you've considered a retirement community in Niagara, why not spend a week or two visiting, touring around and getting a feel for the community.

The Falls
Horseshoe Falls attracts visitors for the famous photo ops year round and after filling your camera with magnificent shots of the falls, there's still much to see and do.

Tour Queen Victoria Park - the Floral Clock
The face of the time-keeping Floral Clock at Queen Victoria Park in the heart of the city is photographed nearly as much as the falls. Westminster chimes inside the back of the clock toll every quarter hour and its color comes from nearly 16 thousand beautiful viola flowers in spring and four cultivars of alternanthera plus green and grey Santolina Sage in summer and fall.

Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens
A quick drive up the Niagara Parkway leads to the Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens where students at the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture are known to love studying. The rose garden alone features more than 2400 roses and the park is home to one of Canada's loveliest collections of ornamental shrubs and trees.

Oakes Garden Theatre
Events and concerts are a summertime routine at the Oakes Garden Theatre stage featuring the falls in the background. If you haven't seen enough of the city's unique parks yet, there's McFarland House and Old Fort Erie both boasting "kitchen" gardens where old fashioned horticultural favorites are grown today, just as they have been for generations.

Laura Secord Homestead and the Mackenzie Printery
Fall and winter at Niagara are breathtaking with the changing leaves and the many choices of hiking trails around the falls. Trails are from a quarter mile in length to two miles through spectacular forest and vantage points. During the cooler months Niagara has many stories to tell between the walls of the historic sites like the Laura Secord homestead and the Mackenzie Printery.

Whether you love exploring alone, with a tour group or with friends and family, you won't run out of options in Niagara.

Niagara is Age-friendly
An inviting reason to retire to Niagara is that it is an age friendly community with the fourth largest percentage of seniors in Canada. Seniors in Niagara are known for giving back to the community by way of volunteerism, staying active in politics, community events and second or even third careers.

Holiday Retirement at Stamford Estates
The Stamford Estates Holiday Retirement community in Niagara Falls, invites guests to set up a tour to include a complimentary dinner if you're considering the option to retire to Niagara. Their amenities include the option to entertain family and friends in the private dining area and community members enjoy craft rooms, fireside lounges, chapel, billiards room, onsite beauty parlor and barbershop. There's no reason to become bored at Stamford; the activity programs are geared to seniors of varying fitness levels and appear to be enjoyable to everyone involved!

After delving into the highlights of the Niagara area, I personally look forward to visiting, not only for the many gardens and parks and the historic stories that the city is built upon but also for the natural beauty of the surrounding areas all seasons of the year; and I particularly love knowing that Niagara is an age-friendly city.

This news article is brought to you by GAMBLING - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pros And Cons Of Multi-Generational Housing

Can You Be Happy With Multi-Generational Housing?

Multi-generational housing is absolutely nothing new. It simply means that multiple generations of the same family decide to live together. Of course, it is very common for parents to live with minor aged children. This term refers to the less common situation when adult children live with parents and, sometimes, grandparents. Sometimes those adult children have their own minor children. This means that three or four generations of the same family could live together in the same home.

Combining families has become more and more trendy. In fact, it has become so popular that a new term has even been coined for it. Baby boomers, who may live with elderly parents and/or adult children, are called the boomerang generation. Actually, it may be the younger and older generations who are doing more of the moving in though.

Families may decide to combine households for lots of reasons. The most obvious reason is probably financial. Living together can be a great way to economize. It may help some family members save money or get back on their feet. Other times, some family members may need more help caring for themselves. Working parents may get child care help from retired family members. Elderly people may need assistance with some daily living activities. Sometimes, living with a family can provide companionship, and it is simply a remedy for loneliness.

Is the boomerang movement positive?

Actually, there are a lot of good reasons for families to live together. Companionship, economy, and child or elder care are a few of the best. If you look into the history of many other cultures, multi-generational housing was normal. It may be that our society's tendency to move off and live alone is odder.

Do families ever have problems combining households?

Are there every problems when more than one generation lives in the same home? Actually, that is like asking if families ever have problems. If your kids move back in, you may remember why you were so relieved when they went out into the world in the first place. Your elderly parents may have trouble adapting to living in a household where they are no longer the bosses. Hopefully, you can over come these issues, but you are probably prudent to expect some rough times.

It is very important to make sure everybody understands their rights and responsibilities if you choose to combine households. Grandma has the right to get to sleep without listening to the kid's music blaring at odd hours. On the other hand, young children do need a pleasant and safe place to play sometimes. Your adult children should become responsible about cleaning up after themselves. When they were you, you may have expected to find dirty laundry or dirty dishes in unexpected places. If they return home as adults, you need to make it clear that the rules have changed.

Is Combining Households A Good Idea For You?

I have known many families who enjoyed taking in adult kids, grand-children, and elderly parents. On the other hand, I have also seen situations where one party took advantage of another and things did not work out so well. I think that having clear expectations and open communication helped the successful families a lot.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Emergency Contact Numbers

Think about all the different kinds of emergencies you experience in your everyday life. It doesn't have to be life threatening to be an emergency. Anything you have to take care of now, qualifies. And where are the emergency contact numbers for all those different people, businesses, organizations and distant relatives in your life? Some may be in your address book. Some, on your contact list. Others, the ones you never anticipated having to call, could be anywhere. Most likely, on a document you need right now. A contract, maybe. Or, an insurance policy. Maybe a medical specialist you haven't seen in years. Maybe your babysitter's friend's name and number for a last minute change of plans. So, you start searching. You know you put it away carefully so you could find it when you need it. Where did you put it?

Sound familiar? It happens all the time. You go years without thinking about all the people and companies you do business with or interact with. Then, when you need to reach them, you can't find the contact information. Worse yet, someone else in your family may have filed the information and he or she isn't available right now.

Manage your home and family better with personal record keeping software. You can store and maintain the whereabouts of important documents and keep track of emergency contact numbers all in one place. When the need arises, it's just a quick trip to the computer and there it is. The information you are looking for is at your fingertips.

Well organized family contact records start with a personal profile for each family member. In an emergency you can print it and hand it to medical professionals. Otherwise, you might have to compose one from scratch or waste time searching for details to fill out forms. Software is available that combines personal profile information with other fields in family medical records and emergency contact numbers to create a wallet-size medical alert card. It includes the kind of information emergency technicians say can help save a life.

When you have to contact somebody in an emergency it isn't just a number you need. You most often have to find a document, as well. It might be a contract or account statement or policy. Wouldn't it be best if you recorded the location of important documents in the same software programs you recorded emergency contact numbers? Where are your insurance policies, service contracts, financial assets, medical records, retirement and pension documents? If they're in the home safe, what's the combination? If they are in a safe deposit box at the bank, what bank? Where's the key? You can write emergency contact information in an address book, but it's not likely to be much use in an emergency if you can't find the documents and the rest of information you need.

Record keeping software gives you an organizing framework in which to record emergency contact numbers and the locations of important documents. Your emergency contact numbers can include all the people and organizations you may have to reach one day. Attorneys, bank managers, accountants, customer service people at companies you do business with, insurance agents and companies, mechanics, roofers, plumbers, congressmen, city councilors realtors, human resources people at former employers, the list can go on. You can't keep all your emergency contact numbers on your cell phone. Nor, can you record the location of important documents on your phone. For that, you need record keeping software.

This news article is brought to you by DOMESTIC-VIOLENCE - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Tips for Living Aboard a Sailboat During Your Retirement

Tips for living aboard a sailboat during your retirement will assume that you know nothing about sailboats... There is a way for you baby boomers to go from zero knowledge to enjoying this lifestyle.

We know what we are talking about because we went from knowing nothing about sailboats to living on one in the Caribbean in four years... There are steps that made the process doable, we can show you how.

Taking baby steps in this process is especially important if one spouse or partner is somewhat reluctant about making such a drastic lifestyle change.

When I announced that we would be living on a sailboat, retired within five years, my spouse was most skeptical about being able to do so...yours may have some doubts too.

If both baby boomer spouses are enthusiastic about trying this lifestyle it will obviously be a much easier and faster process.

The steps in our process were as follows:

  • We took a shore excursion on a cruise ship, six people from the ship with a Capt. and a mate for four hours, we sailed a little, we snorkeled, I became infatuated with the idea of living on a sailboat
  • We signed up for sailing lessons to learn the basics of boat handling and navigation when we returned home...Houston
  • We took vacations in the British Virgin Islands where we chartered a boat with a Capt. and cook to start
  • We graduated to chartering a boat that we took out by ourselves
  • The last step was a three-week charter boat vacation, by ourselves, to determine if we would really enjoy this process
  • We then purchased our first sailboat in the Clear Lake Texas area... Spending most weekends on the boat
  • Five months later we sailed the boat from Texas to the Caribbean ( Virgin Islands) and embarked on an eight year adventure

Who are the prime boomer candidates for living aboard a sailboat in retirement?

  • Couples that can peacefully coexist in a small space
  • Persons who have a desire for a simpler life
  • Persons that are patient and laid-back
  • Persons that are not risk takers... safety is priority one
  • Non-type A personalities

If this sounds like you and your spouse/ on a sailboat can be the experience of a lifetime... It certainly was the highlight of our 37 years of marriage.

Living on a sailboat is not as difficult as some would make it... The skills necessary are easy to learn, not complicated, and are basically common sense.

Because living on a sailboat is not considered a conventional way for baby boomer retirement... You should be prepared to get little encouragement from your friends.

However if you take baby steps like we did... You can go from zero to sailboat cruising in four years.

We can show you how... If we did it you can do it.

This news article is brought to you by ELECTRICAL - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Retirement - Muscles And A Home Business Equals A Great Life

When you picture your retirement do you picture yourself sitting in a chair, lonely, sick, and staring at the wall with nothing to do? If that is the picture of the retirement you are facing it is probably easy to get up and go to work. You will probably hang on the work life as long as possible.

A successful retirement needs to have planning and money. You need to start planning early. You don't want to get to your retirement day and then say OK now what. You want to be ready to hit the ground running.

You should start getting in the best physical, emotional, mental and financial shape possible years before your actual retirement date. Why, because you had to work for a long time to get there and you owe it to yourself to provide for the best life possible.

Maybe you are one of those people who started planning many years ago and everything has gone according to plan. If that is so you are a lucky person. If you are one of the millions that are going to be in trouble on that day then you need to get busy.

What is important is to actually start changing today. Don't put it off another day. Start planning what your life will be like after you retire.

If you are not in the best physical shape start working on it today. It is amazing what just a few minutes a day can do for your body. You can start making one small change at a time. Adding weight training is a fast and easy way to start improving your health.

If you are not in the best financial shape tackle that problem head on. If you can see that your job is not going to allow you to afford to retire with what you need then find ways to add to your income. With the internet it is possible to make money from your computer in the evenings. Use that money to pay off bills or save for retirement.

If your social life is nonexistent start working on a plan to change that. Again with today's technology you don't even have to leave home to start making changes. Groups, forums, and online conferences can be a great way to make new friends both locally and across the world.

If you need to wrap your mind around being retired start thinking about what you are going to do when that day arrives. You have worked long and hard through life so be sure to be ready when the reward time gets here.

This news article is brought to you by DATING AND RELATIONSHIP ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Health Care 2.0 Is Truly Underway

What if you could tweet your symptoms to a doctor and receive an immediate diagnosis? With the international medical community expanding their innovative use of Web 2.0, this might not be too far off.

At the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), patients are already conducting a virtual visit to the doctor's office on their iPad or iPhone by accessing the online "HealthTrak" portal established by UPMC a few years ago to serve its 20 hospitals, 400 doctors' offices and outpatient sites, and 1.4 million health plan members. Users can schedule appointments, renew prescriptions and view medical records and test results, and even conduct a virtual visit to the doctor's office. Designated for patients with non-pressing, common place health problems such as back pains, rashes, sinus infections, headaches and colds, an "eVisit" entails answering a series of questions about your condition then awaiting a response from the doctor. With approximately 600 new users joining HealthTrak each week, UPMC expects to have 100,000 users by the end of the year. UPMC's chief medical information officer G. Daniel Martich, MD, anticipates Web 2.0 playing an expansive role: "Eventually, care will evolve using a whole range of technology: chatting, texting, apps."

There are also individuals who are proving just as inventive as mega-hospitals on the social media frontlines. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist and researcher at Children's Hospital Boston, invented HealthMap, a website and mobile application that scours the blogosphere, news outlets and social-networking websites to track global disease outbreaks. With the ability to access tens of thousands of web pages in a single hour, HealthMap was able to detect a new pattern of respiratory illness in Mexico in 2009 before public health officials even realized it was there.

Brownstein also created Outbreaks Near Me, a smart-phone application that allows users to enter information such as if a family member falls or if there is a line-up at a local clinic in order to help researchers identify patterns and possible outbreaks.

Use of social media is not only expanding among medical professionals but patients as well. According to the National Research Corp. survey one in five Americans utilize social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, MySpace and FourSquare) as a source of healthcare information.

With the limits of social media being constantly pushed and pulled, its increasing role in the healthcare, pandemics and emergencies could potentially shape an entire new definition of medical interaction around the world.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby Boomers - Defining Ourselves

The fountain of youth is the continuance of lifelong learning and personal growth. Preparing ourselves to roll over and die will only get us into the grave that much sooner. As we age, we can travel and learn, experience new adventures, broaden our horizons, improve our awareness and our sense of identity. As we grow older, it is an opportunity to realize our dreams and develop our talents. It is imperative to keep learning and to stay active in order to stay young.

Increasing our fitness levels is equally important too. The world's oldest marathon runner is 101 years old. He has completed nine marathons in the past twelve years and in April of 2012, he beat his own record. At 101, he jogs ten miles every day and is going to be part of the London Olympic Games Torch Relay. He didn't begin running seriously until eleven years ago, so it is never too late to begin your fitness regime. Another, a Canadian, recently ran a marathon at seventy-three years of age in under three hours.

Running improves muscular strength and bone density, reduces the risk of falls and fractures, slows the effects of aging, improves not only our physical health but our mobility and psychological health as well. Combined with weight training, it's a perfect recipe for staying young forever.

Learning to play an instrument later in life is also like taking a small sip from the fountain of youth. It rejuvenates unused areas of the brain, increases cognitive function, enhances the brain's structure and benefits memory, auditory processing and motor skills. Playing and practicing music also releases stress. Learning to play either the violin, piano or guitar enhances hand strength and manual dexterity. And lung capacity is improved with wind instruments.

Increasing our knowledge also is a good youth saver. It is never too late to go to university or college. If you are in your sixties or seventies, it may be too late to plan on becoming a doctor or a lawyer but it is never too late to go and take something that particularly interests you but didn't previously fit in with your career goals; perhaps psychology, American history or art.

And what about the things that are on your bucket list, i.e.: giving a speech, (well admittedly that's probably not on many people's bucket list), but perhaps backpacking in Europe, doing a castle tour, going to the Arctic Pole, walking across a suspension bridge, taking a photography course, an art course, joining a book club. a singing group or learning to play bridge may be. What about some of the things that you may have been afraid to try before or that you haven't had time for? Eleanor Roosevelt once said we should try to do something we're afraid to do everyday. I don't think I'm afraid of quite that many things but I do get her point.

If we work daily at improving our fitness levels, skills and knowledge, we won't have time to get old or even think about it. The fountain of youth will always be within our reach. My mantra is, 'Let not the words, 'I am too old' ever pass my lips.

This news article is brought to you by AUTOMOTIVE - where latest news are our top priority.

Who Are the Next Generation of Volunteers?

Boomers are starting to retire. By 2020, in less than a decade, the number of boomers in the workforce will have decreased by 50%. What is hoped, by service and volunteer organizations, is that this will increase the number of boomers looking to volunteer their time and services to the various volunteer and service organizations needing their resources. However, the challenge for leaders of volunteer organizations is not just attracting more volunteers and encouraging them to donate more of their time to voluntary tasks, but, to attract and retain boomers, these organizations will need to provide the right type of volunteer opportunity. For Boomers, the right type of opportunity is one that encourages them to utilize the skills, knowledge and experience they have spent their entire working lives to acquire.

At the same time, leaders of these organizations will be seeking ways and means to attract and retain members of the succeeding generations, Generation X and Y, to build the volunteer base for the future.

According to Statistics Canada, our population is aging and we have more people in the 45 to 55 age group that we have in the 25 to 35 age group. The birth rate in Canada (and all other Western nations) has slowed considerably and the average age of Canadians today is 39 years of age versus 26 in 1971. This will affect our health and social systems but it will also affect our organizations - both inside and outside the workplace. Predictions, by social scientists, of a decline in the expertise available, particularly at the management and senior levels of organizations, may well be the same for volunteer organizations. On the website, in April of this year, they noted that "... the percentage of baby boomers volunteering (in the U.S.) on the decline... nearly 22 million boomers gave their time in communities across the country in 2010 - that's about 28.8 percent of boomers, down slightly from 29.9 percent in 2007 and from 33.5 percent in 2003."

In terms of the workforce environment, intergenerational influences that affect both its composition and operation. There are four distinct generations in the workforce - and a significant shift is underway reaching its peak by the year 2020. This shift will occur due to the exit of Boomers and their replacement by Generation Y. Today, 40% of senior positions are held by Boomers. They lead the companies and the country - they hold a significant amount of expertise and, they have the corporate volunteer networks in place. Generation X and Y have entered the workforce and they have arrived with different preferences, working styles, and views of work, workplace environment and how they should be treated as employees. Recent studies with small business owners, those employing less than 100 employees, representing the majority of employers in Canada, have found that less than 25% of them have a succession plan in place - a means to pass on their business and expertise.

This intergenerational workplace has significant implications for the development of future volunteer activity. Boomers still dominate, not only the workforce in general, but also the senior positions in most organizations, including volunteer organizations. As Boomers retire, they will be replaced by a much younger group - Generation Y - with potentially very different views of the volunteer role and activities. Boomers should be accountable to mentor, coach, and develop the next generation of volunteers. What will be their legacy in this area? What will ensure Boomers, themselves, continue to give back, in the traditional sense as volunteers, by donating their free time (at retirement) to volunteer organizations?

Assuming that participation in the volunteer community will mirror participation in the workforce, by 2020, the percentage of Boomers will actually decline, along with a decline in the numbers of Generation X participating in volunteer activity.

Estimates gathered from Statistics Canada surveys in 2010 show that of the 2.1 billion volunteer hours expended during that year, approximately 36% of these hours were expended by Boomers. Generation X contributed 29% of this total, and Traditionalists (those aged 65+) and Generation Y each contributed 18% and 17%, respectively. So what might be the effect of these demographic changes on our volunteer organizations, our service clubs, organizations that rely on volunteers to achieve their goals and deliver on their community purpose? If we apply the workplace demographic changes to the volunteer community, the decline in Boomer activity will be significant, dropping to 18%. Generation X will also decline slightly and Generation Y will increase, but not enough to offset the effect of the Boomer cohort.

There are some attributes generally considered to be preferential when recruiting volunteers. Organizations seek educated, financially sound, employed, healthy, geographically stable members. They look for those with a positive and active lifestyle, focused on others, who feel a sense of duty and obligation to others, and have free time which they will allot to volunteering activities. Boomers generally fit this profile with a couple of qualifications.

Although Boomers are considered to be in good financial shape, they are now spending money and time on boomerang children and aging parents (average age of boomer parents is increasing requiring more support for longer periods of time). Boomers are highly educated and are focused on continuing to pursue an active and healthy lifestyle and they are relatively stable geographically as they tend to cluster in metropolitan areas (these characteristics summarized from studies and reports completed by the American Association for Retired Persons and Harvard School of Public Health). But some challenges arise when assessing boomers' penchant for volunteer work. Boomers' life experience has been one of self-indulgence, independence, and self-reliance. They are primarily focused on themselves and their own social networks, and are most likely to expend any additional free time (during retirement) on their own pleasures.

Boomers will most likely remain in the workforce longer than originally anticipated so will most likely continue to contribute time and effort to those causes they feel most passionate about and that afford them this time during working hours. However, once they retire, this is predicted to change. Contrary to conventional wisdom, more people volunteer in mid-life than in retirement. Volunteerism peaks in mid-life and then gradually declines (Harvard School of Public Health, 2003). Boomers will leave a large gap - to be filled by the next dominant group - Generation Y. But there are less of them. This volunteer gap could have significant implications for those organizations reliant on volunteers. How will volunteer organizations deal with this loss of labour and, more importantly, expertise in providing services to their communities?

It is important that volunteer leaders and managers learn the demographic makeup of their organization and their communities. Otherwise, they will miss a tremendous opportunity to grow the volunteer ranks and miss out on the significant level of expertise and skills resident within this boomer cohort. Current leaders will need to invest time and effort to fully understand preferences and social styles of the various generations actively working in their organizations and available as potential volunteers in their communities. This includes researching the similarities and differences between the various generational cohorts and determining what attracts their interest. This will provide them with important information when seeking to create an environment where current volunteers are retained and future volunteers are recruited.

Volunteer leaders and managers need to "reimagine" their organizations to keep Boomers engaged and recruit Generations X and Y. To do this, it helps to fully appreciate what drives each of these cohorts and them make some assumptions about what needs to change in the organization to attract them. A recent study (Calling Brands, May 2012) found employees are seeking to work for a company that has a 'strong sense of purpose'. Generation Y job seekers, with their sense of community loyalty and their group-orientation are seeking organizations whose purpose is clear, strategic, tactical and helps them to align their personal values with the position they hold, and tasks they perform, in the organization. This would seem to align very nicely with the concept of volunteering if volunteer organizations do the same. Four possible steps volunteer organizations might take to "reimagine" their strategy and operation.

Step 1: Evaluate current competency and future leadership capability within your organization.

Step 2: Research 'next' practices. 'Reimagination' requires predicting future trends and activities rather than relying on 'best' practices - practices that work well today or in the past. Holding cross-cohort working sessions or training sessions may help the various cohorts to better understand one another and come up with creative ways to attract more volunteers from all generations. Conducting reviews of the preferences and social styles of each cohort may open up a number of opportunities for generating more interest in volunteering for the longer term.

Step 3: Conduct workshops with leaders and managers to identify changes needed for your organization, changes in terms of strategies, culture, values, and leadership philosophy. The 'reimagined' leadership philosophy will set the stage and provide the tools volunteer leaders need to grow the future volunteer force.

Step 4: Build a development plan to implement these changes. This is all about effective change management training and coaching leaders about the differences, how to work with them, and how to incorporate them into the organization.

The key is to ensure the strategy, process, implementation plan, and evaluation tools are customized to the volunteer environment. There has to be a commitment in these organizations to developing an organization that will attract the 2020 volunteer force. Couple this with the creation of a clear strategy to leverage generational styles and preferences; this will set the tone, format and scope for developing the next group of volunteers.

Develop marketing strategies and plans that target each of the three generational cohorts. Boomers will be a stable, mature volunteer group and they come with significant expertise - solid skills, knowledge and experience. And they want to utilize this expertise, be appreciated for this expertise. They are looking to replace work (since work determines their level of self-esteem) with a cause they can feel passionate about. Many of them have held leadership positions. They will be attracted to organizations that require them to mentor or coach others, those requiring professional management services, those that acknowledge their leadership experience and offer them opportunities to continue to apply these skills. Boomers are used to multi-tasking so will be willing to volunteer their time in several different capacities. If they do not feel fully utilized, they will move on. Volunteer leaders and managers need to keep in mind that Boomers will attach themselves to causes that are valued by their personal and professional networks. Social networks and interactions (where relationships matter) drive participation rates of Boomers.

Generation X prefers work/life balance and many of them have small children. They will be most interested in organizations that offer them the opportunity to get involved with their children's education. Organizations that reach out to them through school events or facilities will attract members of this cohort, particularly, if they offer family events. They grew up as the 'latch-key' kids, so like boomers, they are independent and will resist being managed closely. Find ways to encourage this independence and utilize technology to attract their interest. They grew up with networks, LANs and WANs, so can easily be marketed online through social media, internet marketing and smartphone applications.

Generation Y is the connected generation. They have never known anything different. They are group and community-oriented, loyal to their peers and colleagues. At the same time, they have Facebook friends, many of them they may not actually have met, so they are open to new experiences. Marketing to this cohort must be through social media. Without a social media presence, they are not likely to even know the organization exists. Volunteer organizations will need to use technology to recruit this group and advertise group volunteer activities and events.

Attracting, recruiting and retaining the next generation of volunteers requires volunteer organizations and their leaders to be committed to self-development, examining their current operation and identifying changes that need to occur. Leveraging generational styles and preferences will set the tone, format and scope for developing the next group of volunteers. Focusing efforts on 'reimagining' the future, applying creative thinking to 'next' practices and, fine-tuning marketing efforts to target members of each cohort is the way to build the volunteer base they will need.

This news article is brought to you by ACCOUNTING - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Medical Bills and Arbitrary Costs: Add These Strategies to Your Toolkit

Media, consumer advocates and others talk a lot about how many of us are facing absurdly high costs for medical treatments. We know that these charges range significantly from location to location and that many times you may be hit with the majority of the balance. Not everyone, though, is talking about actual, practical ways to protect yourself from excessive costs when you obtain care at a local doctor's office, hospital or other facility.

Asking the Right Questions

Almost all of the practical strategies for "consumer cost control" in medical offices focus on getting answers from medical providers. Asking relevant questions before, during and after a visit can help you avoid some of the most ridiculous charges that show up on medical bills.

One tip is to ask for an itemized list of charges. Itemization of a medical bill will show you whether any costs for a particular procedure have been padded or exaggerated, for example, in bills for supplies and related expenses. Some doctors have begun to bill different aspects of consultation separately and this is another area where an itemized bill can come in handy.

Look At the Medical Codes

Medical consultants are now advising to look at the CPT codes that show up on your medical bills. CPT codes represent specific procedures and treatments, and you can use these to help find a fair price online. It is becoming increasingly common for individuals to look for these kinds of "blue book values" for medical procedures when negotiating with a provider. Experts also recommend checking out the government's reimbursement rates for Medicare and Medicaid to see if your doctor is charging you too much for a specific procedure.

Look for Alternatives

Another way to lower overall medical costs is to decline some of the more expensive and less necessary treatments that your doctor may suggest. Lots of medical advocates tell patients to always apply the "BRAIN" ( benefits, risks, alternatives, intuition, nothing) principle to their questions in the doctor's office. This involves looking at the pros and cons of procedures, as well as what lower-priced alternatives may be available, as well as checking your intuition or "gut feeling" about a suggested treatment. Then, evaluate the consequence of delaying treatment for a health condition.

One reason that consumer advocates suggest this kind of questioning is that a doctor's suggested treatments are not always the only course of action for any given health condition, and sometimes, a practical approach can reveal perfectly good alternatives that can come with a much lower price tag.

Look for Discounts and Other Payment Options

Another great tip is to look for payment plans and other options from your local medical providers. Many providers have begun to offer these options to patients. Some patients who are facing high-dollar bills can even qualify for charity, especially if their insurer declined huge portions of their bill. Make sure that you keep all of these strategies handy for dealing with medical bills that threaten to ruin your financial health.

This news article is brought to you by PERSONAL FINANCE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Helping Aging Parents Thrive

As your parents age, it can be difficult to maintain the same parent-child dynamic you've always had while increasingly taking on the role of caregiver. Whether your parents are enjoying an active retirement or are part of the community in a skilled nursing center or assisted living facility, these 8 tips can help you help them to thrive during this time of transition.

Encourage Them to Get Active

One of the best ways to improve your parents' state of mind as well as their physical health is to encourage them to stay active. This encouragement can take the form of a gym membership or home exercise equipment purchase, but a free and fun alternative is to exercise with them.

If your schedule allows it, make time to visit your parents and take a walk together. Allow them to set the pace, and chat together as you exercise. You could also enroll in water aerobics or take a yoga class. The shared time will provide just the incentive your parents need to get active, and you'll both strengthen your bond as you strengthen your muscles.

Improve Their Mental Health with Classes

Fitness classes aren't the only way to improve health. In fact, learning something new in the form of a community education class can help seniors stay sharp. You can encourage your parents to take exciting new classes by focusing on the activities that have interested them over the years. Brainstorm together by making a list of everything your parents have enjoyed. Then look through those items to identify what they have in common.

Once you've narrowed down the topics, get out the course catalog from your local community college, library or senior center. Make another list of the classes that match up, and present the options to your parents. If they seem reluctant, you might offer to take the class together.

Bring the Mental Exercise to Them

Another great way to maintain mental focus is to engage in tricky mental activities. Even if your parents are dealing with physical challenges that make it difficult for them to take a community education class, you can bring the mental exercise to them.

Pick up a selection of crossword puzzles, Sudoku books, and mind puzzlers and spend the afternoon together working through a few of the puzzles. Or involve them in a family game of Trivial Pursuit. Alternatively, if your parents aren't fans of these activities, drop off a great selection of books or surprise them with a subscription or two to an interesting magazine.

Help Them Pass on Their Life Lessons

Whether your parents are living independently or require assistance, feeling valued and useful are important for their emotional health. In addition, many people can benefit from the knowledge and wisdom they have gained over the years. Try some of these ideas to help them to pass on some of their life lessons and experiences:

  • Encourage them to volunteer in the community. Whether they choose to mentor new entrepreneurs with a program like MicroMentor or work with school children learning to read, everyone benefits from the experience.

  • Help them make a list of life lessons and print the list up in book form. Topics might include favorite recipes and cooking tips, parenting advice, or other useful tidbits.

  • Work with your parents to record their stories. You can do this in the form of a book or audio tape, or you could work with a professional to create something very special. Whatever method you choose, you and your parents will both be glad that you took the time to preserve their life stories.

Give Them a Social Outlet

While frequent visits and phone calls to your parents are sure to be appreciated, research suggests that having positive friendships actually may be even more important for longevity than regular contact with family. Whether your parents are living independently or with help, encourage them to interact with friends as much as possible.

If your parents are living independently, you might persuade them to start a book club or join a band. Regular card games, dance classes, and senior center activities can also be great places to establish and further cement positive friendships.

For those who have limited mobility, being social may be even more important. While most facilities have extensive social programs, getting involved can seem overwhelming to some seniors. Work with your parents to pick a few activities that interest them, and these can provide a great social outlet.

Get in Touch with a Support Group

Although your role in your parents' lives is changing, you still may find that you cannot provide all the emotional support they need. The retirement years can be challenging for several reasons, including the loss of loved ones, financial challenges, significant life changes, and health concerns.

Listening to your parents can help them navigate these challenges, but many people also need the help of a support group or therapist. These resources may be available in your parents' skilled nursing or assisted living facility. If not or if your parents are living independently, you can encourage them to find a support group or therapist through their local senior center or through a hospital.

Provide a Change of Scenery

No matter what your parents' living situation is like, a change of scenery can be extremely helpful in making the world feel like a bigger, better place. If your parents are healthy, travel is a great way to boost mood and see some amazing sites. Work with them to set up a dream vacation to Europe or a short jaunt to a nearby city.

For those with limited mobility, a change of scenery may mean an outing to a favorite restaurant or a night at the movies. Pick activities your parents will enjoy and coordinate your efforts with the nursing facility or assisted living center where they live. These facilities may be able to provide transportation if your parents need help.

Encourage Them to Practice Mindfulness

One key to helping your parents stay positive and enjoy their retirement years is to encourage them to notice and be present in the moment. When they were raising a family or building a career, they were likely rushing from one task to the next. Now they have a chance to slow down and see the beauty in the world.

You can encourage mindfulness by asking your parents to make a note of or take pictures of something beautiful every day. Then, at the end of the week, take some time to look through what they've created. This activity will boost their moods and yours, and it will also provide an opportunity to bond.

Take Care of Yourself

It's easy to get caught up in the very important role you now fill in your parents' lives. However, remember to take some time for yourself as well. Maintaining balance in your own life will make you a better caregiver, and that will go a long way toward enhancing your parents' retirement years as well.

Can Older People Find New Jobs?

Why Are Older Workers Seeking New Jobs?

in the old days, from what I hear, a person could plan to stay with the same company for an entire career. These days, things are changing rapidly. Free of us have the luxury of ending up with the same company we started with. Times are changing quickly, and companies are changing the way that they are getting work done.

This has left many people unemployed. It seems like older workers, especially those over 55, have had an especially hard time of it. Their unemployment numbers are always at the top end of any age group. In addition, they seem to stay out of work longer.

On the other hand, though it is always hard to see it at the time, a period of unemployment can be an opportunity to repackage yourself, begin a new career, and perhaps end your working life on a positive note.

Older Workers And Professionals Have Advantages

If you are an older person, who has been working for decades, you do bring some strong things to the interview table. You have lots of experience. You have probably developed some strong skills as well. You may be frustrated because you are not finding any job opportunities, in your old industry, for those skills and that experience.

However, there are still plenty of fields that are hiring. A lot of your skills and experience can transfer into your new line of work. You may have to be realistic and accept a step backwards in order to move forward though. For the best opportunity, you may have to move, and this can be tougher on people in midlife than it is on younger people. I am not trying to tell anybody that a midlife career change will always be easy. However, it can be done.

Leverage Social Networking

You have always heard people say that who you know may matter than what you know! These days, a variety of online social sites can help you grow your own personal network of contacts very quickly. In fact, a majority of today's recruiters and hiring managers say they do comb some social networking sites for qualified people.

Today, social networks are good for much more than sharing videos and pictures of your puppy. Most businesses work very hard to have a presence on these sites, and most of the time, you can use these services without paying anything. You may have to put some work into presenting yourself as a strong candidate, but once you do, you can attract a lot of positive attention.

If you do need a new job, you should not be shy about asking for one!

Be Flexible And Stay Current

Many older workers, who have been out of work a long time, keep doing the same things over and over again. They may work very hard to find a new job, but their tactics are just not effective any longer. In order to prosper you may have to work differently, update your job searching skills, and open your mind to new opportunities.

This news article is brought to you by GAMBLING TIPS, STRATEGIES - where latest news are our top priority.